An extensive debate is currently raging in the media on the Government’s lethargic approach in preparation for the oil industry. Among the contentious issues are  legislation for local content, the sovereign wealth fund, petroleum legislation, the department of energy. The most glaring deficit appears to be the lack of expertise in Guyana on oil and gas and the deep concern that these issues will not be addressed in time for 2020 when the production of oil is due to begin. Mr. Imran Khan’s eloquent defence of the government’s efforts recently on an Al Jazeera television programme which included Messrs. Christopher Ram and Jan Mangal, has not diminished concerns.

Poverty, crime, a faltering economy and more are also urgent problems facing Guyana. The condition of African Guyanese was highlighted during last week’s Emancipation day celebrations. It was pointed out that they are being left behind in “economics, politics, culture, education, entrepreneurship and sports.” It was suggested that one way of overcoming at least some of these problems is to give African Guyanese 18,000 acres of land as reparation for slavery. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, the Leader of the Opposition has pointed out that if African Guyanese are being left behind, the cause is their impoverishment during the Burnham and Hoyte eras. Accusations under the radar of ethnic discrimination have flourished over the closure of several sugar estates, just as when the bauxite industry was miniaturised in the 1990s. The impact of every major or social or economic decision is scrutinised through ethnic lenses.

One thing is clear. These problems can never be resolved, and the accusations and counter accusations will never go away, unless our broken politics is fixed, so that our broken society can heal, and we are no longer incentivised by our political system to reach for our ethnic spectacles, whenever the government makes an important decision. The most fundamental challenge in Guyana’s modern political history, and recognised over the entire period, has been to devise a system where ethnic-political competition is reduced and/or is channeled into creative energies so that ethnic dominance and competition would not stultify economic and social progress.

The formation of the multi-ethnic, multi-class, PPP in 1950 was the first shot across the bow. It gave the first recognition to the issue and made the first attempt to structure our politics to manage the ethnic divisions. The split of the PPP in 1955, the ethnic violence in the early 1960s followed by the removal of the PPP government, then  by authoritarian rule spanning a period of 25 years, have postponed a democratic resolution of the ethno-political problem. It has not been addressed by the two major parties since the formal restoration of democracy in 1992.  Even though both have recognised the need to do so, efforts have not followed the groundwork laid in 1950 and followed since the early 1960s. The parties are in dereliction of their duty to the Guyanese people.

The problem is that neither party is willing to give up its claim of right to dominate the political space. This generates a culture that promotes ethnic dominance. It results in the feeling of at least one ethnic group in Guyana that after elections its economic existence is threatened. The ‘winner take all’ philosophy, deeply embedded in liberal democratic theory and practice, promotes ethnic domination in Guyana. When ‘our’ party wins, its our ethnic group that wins. When ‘our’ party is defended or promoted, its an ethnic group that is defended or promoted. When the campaign is to support ‘our’ party, the subliminal message is to support ‘our’ ethnic group. All this might well be unrecognised or unintended by the deliverer of the message. But it is not lost on the recipient.

The life of every single Guyanese can be immeasurably enhanced by the oil industry – not immediately, but in the medium and long terms. But this will not happen without the resolution of the ethno-political dilemma. Any person or party who says otherwise, having regard to our history, is lying; and any person or party who believes otherwise is living in a fool’s paradise. All the experts, over many decades, have said that Guyana’s development is being held back by its divisive politics. There is no reason why this would not continue to be so in the era of oil in old and new ways.Guyanese need a broad based, popular, movement to sweep away the cobweb which has engulfed our politics – a movement that will mobilise the electorate to demand a refashioning of our political system away from the ‘winner take all,’ liberal democratic system, which is unresponsive to Guyana’s problems. Such a popular movement should not aim at replacing our political parties, which is not possible in the short term, but at devising a system that will deprive ethno-politics of its oxygen. This should create a structure and an atmosphere where our main political parties will be obliged to embrace each other in the joint governance of Guyana.

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  1. Better yet give Afro-Guyanese 50% of the land, not 18 or 15%, and Indo- Guyanese the other half. In other words create two Governments, an Indo-Guyanese and an Afro-Guyanese and let the world know that there are two different countries that were carved out of this beautiful Guyana. Have a border separating the two.

    Simply the make up of the population and the adversity that exists between the two major groups is the reason why I am suggesting this. People will then decide to move to their side and the ethnic insecurity will fade away. This racial insecurity and adversity will not be overcome in any other way. This racial bias started in 1955 when Burnham brought to the fore his ambitions for power in Guyana by his attempt to take over the leadership of the PPP and sideline Jagan. It festered since then and even saw the country teeter on the brink of civil war in the 1960’s. This racial division will not be gotten rid of in any other way, in my opinion, except by the aforementioned plan I humbly suggest.

    Oil is now dominating the discussion in the country. Plans are afoot to secure loans for projects based on the supposed oil revenues that are being hoped for. Is that not counting the chickens before they are hatched? An overwhelming amount of these new projects are, it seems, being slated to benefit Afro-Guyanese and Indo-Guyanese are again pointing to the unfairness that this supposes.The exacerbation of the racial dilemma is being fueled by such actions and will continue to do so hence my suggestion of a national land divide.

    I know that many will want to know what will happen to the oil money if my aforementioned suggestion comes to fruition. Let’s face it oil, and it’s possible gargantuan revenue, is now the dominant issue. Well I humbly suggest that the solution is simple. An international organisation such as the IMF, the World Bank or the OECD can be given the task of managing the oil revenues that belong to Guyana and the sharing to each side their portion, to put it in layman’s terms. This can be done simply to ensure fairness.

  2. What the PPP did while they were in government only benefited one race. The willfully neglected Linden because it was not there stronghold. Some of you have selective lenses when you address racism in Guyana. You mentioned when the racism started but fail to mention that it continued handsomely under the PPP government.
    The PPP has the opportunity to correct what they felt was wrong for Guyana, and but they perpetuated the same for their benefit. The acted like a government with 50% majority of the electorate. By the time 2020 role around the they will have about 35%. They will not win the elections because of an ethnic majority. They have to come better than that.

    1. Malfeasance by any Govt.,a legitimate or illegitimate Govt., is of no benefit to our world society.
      Cheddie Jagan, ( I wasn’t a supporter of him) when he came to office in 1992 made it clear that there was not going to be any ” bringing to justice” of the previous illegal PNC regime. Boy if he did not do that the stink of what happened to Guyana for 28 years, from 1964 to 1992, would have been smelt all over the world, I am sure.
      Jagdeo ruined the chance that a legitimate Govt. was given when he took over the leadership of our country. He is now history, as far as I am and a lot of others are concerned. Let’s not permit reciprocation by a supposed opponent of the PPP against the supporters of the opposition in Guyana. We are all Guyanese…..or maybe not!!

    2. You surly does not understand the political make up and the its dynamic trajectory. You chose to be fed the gullibility of those that is today doing the same thing that is making you blind. In 1992 the PPP WON 36 seats, Parliament and the majority seats in 7 out of 10 Regions. In the year 2000 the PNC was reduced to 22 seats. The Political soup seems to making drunk and sleepy and perhaps forgetful too.

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